See the Stein Family putting our hands in the cement for the office expansion on 11/13/15. ESCO/Stein Sign Display has been in its current building for close to 35 years, but has expanded on 4 separate occasions. This most recent expansion will relocate all of the...
See our time lapse video taken in Watertown, SD at the Wells Fargo location on Highway 212. Our crew was tasked with removing all of the current signage and replacing with new. This was one of 15 locations that Stein Sign Display was assigned to and we completed all...
Stein Sign Display was asked to remove all of the existing signage from Lakewood Mall. With the new signage, the mall changed its name to Aberdeen Mall. This was a large project and we’re very pleased with how it turned...
We were privileged with installing this nice sign for The Bridge in Watertown. Thank you for choosing Stein Sign...
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