Thursday, December 12, 2019 – 01:00

Employee Spotlight: Bill Ortmeier

This week’s employee spotlight shines on Bill Ortmeier! Bill is our Sales Manager as well as a Sign Consultant. Bill has been with our company totaling 22 years and has been in the sign business for 31 years! Bill has been in management or sales for the entirety of his career with us.  His career spans across 3 decades and we are happy to have him on our side!!

What is your favorite thing about Stein Sign Display?

Traveling and the ability to meet new people all the while maintaining relationships with existing customers

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

Over the years, I’ve had many. The best is watching my kids open up presents when they were young. Now, watching my grandkids is just as rewarding…if not more.

What brought you to Stein Sign Display?

I was selling Kirby Vacuum Cleaners door to door. I was gone from home M-F. I wanted to do something I love that allowed me to see my family more. Stein Sign Display gave me that opportunity

If you had unlimited time/resources, what hobby/skill would you learn?

Woodworking. I love the smell of the wood and the final outcome. You can literally build anything you set your mind to

You’ve been at SSD for a long time. What’s been the biggest change? What’s stayed the most consistent?

The biggest change has been technology. The equipment to install the signs is so much better than what we had in years past.

The most consistent has been the customer. Our customers remain a pleasure to work with year in and year out.

What is your most memorable project?

We put up a High Rise in Sisseton for Dakota Connection Casino. It was 120’ up in the air. There was 3 different signs. Ranging from 16’X16’/10’X30’ and the gas numerals were 10’ tall!! Pretty exciting project now…was VERY exciting 20+ years ago

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