Friday, December 22, 2017 – 03:00
Our team participated in a fun team building activity that involved making a “Safety Net” to catch an egg from being dropped about 8 feet in the air. They had 10 minutes to build their best “Safety Net” out of the following items:
3 pieces of 3″ Duct Tape
3 pieces of 3″ Electrical Tape
3 pieces of 3″ Scotch Tape
5 Napkins
3 Pencils
10 Straws
1 Brown Paper Bag
1 Stein SIgn Display 65th Year Anniversary Koozie
Because we build such quality signs here, it was no surprise that all 3 teams built a quality safety net. We started with 4 eggs and finished with 3, but blame that on Stuart for not lining the egg up properly before sending it splattering into the ground!!
Check out the 40 second clip–it’s funny! And it was FUN!